We guide our clients from the beginning to the end of the project

Heat Pumps

A modern, maintenance-free and economic heat source that enables you to heat your house in a comfortable and cheap way for up to 50 years. Currently produced heat pumps are a reliable, money-saving and environment-friendly heat source with a bright future ahead of it.

We're present on the market since 2010

When it comes to heat pumps, we bet on trusted brands

We'll select the right pump for your heating system and the needs of your household

The right pump will be chosen carefully after conducting a thorough audit. This approach allows to maintain good balance between expenses and comfort provided by the selected device. The installation and yearly maintenance processes are performed by a certified and experienced crew. We provided heating for numerous households that way.

Years of expertise allowed us to test many devices and select only the best of the ones present on the market. Devices installed by GlobalECO are those of high quality and efficiency and small risk of malfuncioning. That is why Panasonic heat pumps are the base devices proposed to our clients. We specialize in air to water heat pumps and provide our services to households, businessess as well as local authorities.

We're present on the market since 2010

Dobierzemy odpowiednią pompę ciepła do Twojej obecnej instalacji grzewczej i potrzeb jakie macie w domu. Po przeprowadzeniu audytu bardzo precyzyjnie dobierzemy odpowiednie urządzenie, by zachować balans między wydatkami, a komfortem, który daje to pompa ciepła. Nasze doświadczone ekipy bezpiecznie zrealizują montaż, a w trakcie eksploatacji przeprowadzą serwis. Ogrzaliśmy setki domów w całej Polsce.

Years of expertise allowed us to test many devices and select only the best of the ones present on the market. Devices installed by GlobalECO are those of high quality and efficiency and small risk of malfuncioning. That is why Panasonic heat pumps are the base devices proposed to our clients. We specialize in air to water heat pumps and provide our services to households, businessess as well as local authorities.

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